Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Listening is powerful

So I said to my pancreas,

"We are going to do something really awesome today, you and me. I know I haven't paid attention to you or listened well, but I didn't know your language back then. I wasn't listening to any of you, didn't make time to acknowledge your hard work or pay attention to your needs.
I was really selfish, and I only thought about my Mind. I only paid attention to the thoughts and worries that did nothing for me except provide distraction from all the other thoughts and worries.

I'm sorry.

I know I haven't been there for you, but if you let me show you.. see? I'm slowly changing. I'm learning how to love you, nourish and protect you.

Not just you, all of you. Do you see?

I'm not gonna ask you to give me everything straight away. But little by little, let's work together. Not just you and me. But all of us.

You dont need a huge amount of energy to accomplish a small task.

Focus on a little task that takes a little time.

Before you know it you'll see how far we've come.

I will listen to you, I will give you what you need. Don't give up and if I don't quite hear you, gently, keep trying. I don't speak your language yet, but I really like languages and I will learn."

So we did 90 minutes of Yoga.
And by the end of the session, my stomach had stopped hurting. The aching, radiating pain had released it's claws. I know my pancreas is still hurting, still healing, but it's not shouting at me anymore.

I stopped listening to all the nagging, worrying thoughts raging through my mind for most of those 90 minutes, and focused every part of my mind that I could on how my body and breath were working together. And I said "See? We CAN be a team!"

Now I just have to have a really awkward converstation with my bowels and their lack of movement for the last few days...

Let's save that for tomorrow morning.

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